Quelques stratégies de traduction en roumain des réalités de la société française contemporaine

à partir du roman Sérotonine de Michel Houellebecq


  • Ludmila ZBANT
  • Ion MANOLI


translation skills, realia, localisation, globalisation, literary translation, translation strategies


Literary translation is currently undergoing visible influences due to the new realities that are being created in the area of interhuman relations. If traditionally the emphasis was on the national character of a literary text depending on the socio-cultural reality of its origin, which in fact influenced the skills required for the proper exercise of a literary translator, then nowadays the choice of the conceptual framework and of the translation strategies respectively is strongly influenced by the changes in the contents and forms of the literary works and their reflection through international literary movements. The literary corpus offers us content that reflects the transcultural perspective of globalisation in all fields including literature. This observation leads to a re- evaluation of the principles and techniques of translation to be applied to this type of text and, first of all, we understand that the translator must have specific knowledge that goes beyond the two languages and two cultures that are part of the translation. In these circumstances, the localisation of the text will be combined with polysystems, which means that the study of literary phenomena as well as their translation requires an international, even global perspective. Michel Houellebecq’s novel Serotonin is a model of this type, and our study aims at an updated approach of translation strategies based on the translator’s skills and his/ her relationship with the recipients of his/ her work.

Author Biographies

Ludmila ZBANT

Professeure Université d’État de Moldova,


Ptofesseur Université Libre Internationale de Moldova Chișinău, République de Moldova



How to Cite

ZBANT, L., & MANOLI, I. (2023). Quelques stratégies de traduction en roumain des réalités de la société française contemporaine: à partir du roman Sérotonine de Michel Houellebecq. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (10), 384–401. Retrieved from https://ojs.iliauni.edu.ge/index.php/eish/article/view/725



Littératures de langue française et problèmes traductologiques

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