O diacronie a cazurilor de reterminologizare în triada: inteligența emoțională – inteligența cognitivă – inteligența artificială


  • Cristina NICHITA Universitatea de Stat din Moldova


With the emergence and development of scientific theories about intelligence, along the history of these studies, we can identify theoretical foundations that tackle the types of intelligence. In our work we include human intelligence, represented by emotional intelligence and cognitive intelligence; and artificial intelligence, which we consider representative as types of intelligence. Their order, considering the level of biological development of the nervous system, presents superior cognitive intelligence developed in humans, represented by the neocortex; and the emotional brain, represented by the limbic system – that is found in organisms precursory of the human being. On the other hand, emotional intelligence develops all life long and denotes a maturation of human body functions, and, hence, ensuring the development of a metacognition. Therefore, the sequence of these three types of intelligence: emotional intelligence – cognitive intelligence – artificial intelligence; can be studied and ordered according to the criteria considered. Regarding the theoretical approach of human intelligence, researchers began to study first cognitive intelligence and then emotional intelligence. Futhermore, artificial intelligence uses the principles studied about the functioning of the human nervous system and it is, in fact, an application and verification of the theoretical views on human intelligence. The purpose of our study is to examine a diachrony of the reterminologization cases in the field of intelligence, based on theoretical foundations in this direction. The study allows us to follow the sequence of reterminologization processes and a succession of the domains of origin and the domains of reception for the terms identified. The value of this study lies in elucidating the chronological order of the dynamics of reterminologization in the announced triad and the points and events of connection between emotional intelligence, cognitive intelligence and artificial intelligence. Functional analysis of terms can serve as informative material and can reveal trends in the dynamics of terminology in the field of intelligence. This study in diachrony displays a chronological view of the process of reterminologization and transdomainial “migration” within the concept of intelligence.

Author Biography

Cristina NICHITA, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova

Doctorandă Universitatea de Stat din Moldova



How to Cite

NICHITA, C. (2023). O diacronie a cazurilor de reterminologizare în triada: inteligența emoțională – inteligența cognitivă – inteligența artificială. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (9), 177–185. Retrieved from https://ojs.iliauni.edu.ge/index.php/eish/article/view/692


