Le français au service de l’expression de la diversité et les poblèmes traductologiques


  • Mzago DOKHTOURICHVILI Université d’État Ilia


Because French is a language of literary writing in countries that are not only French-speaking, but also non-French- speaking, very different in their history, their culture, their identity, their economic and social situation, their concerns, the reasons why writers choose French as the language of writing, French, among these writers, serves to express these differences by putting itself at the service of the expression of diversity.

Francophone literature, a notion contested by 44 writers, including Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, who signed a manifesto in February 2011, which announced the end of the Francophonie and the birth of world literature in French. This new name best expresses the diversity specific to the meaning of the word “world”.

The concept developed within the Delegation of the French Renaissance in Georgia, which concerns the writing and publication of an anthology of French-language literatures, is carried out. The Anthology brings together texts presenting the work of Belgians, Cameroonians, Canadians, Central Africans, Gabonese, Guineans, Lebanese, Luxembourgers, North Africans (Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians), Romanians, Swiss, Vietnamese French speaking writers. The objective of our paper at this conference will therefore be to analyze the specificity of these French-speaking literatures in order to show the role of French in the expression of this diversity.

As the said Anthology will be translated into Georgian and Romanian, given the interest of students who do not speak French, but who are interested in these abundant literatures, another objective will be the analysis of certain translatological difficulties that translators may encounter during the translation of cultural and identity particularities and the solution they can find to overcome these difficulties.

Author Biography

Mzago DOKHTOURICHVILI, Université d’État Ilia

Professeure émérite, Université d’État Ilia



How to Cite

DOKHTOURICHVILI, M. (2023). Le français au service de l’expression de la diversité et les poblèmes traductologiques. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (9), 11–26. Retrieved from https://ojs.iliauni.edu.ge/index.php/eish/article/view/680


