Diversité, traduction, reformulation: la traduction de la littérature d’expression française en langue roumaine

De l’exercice didactique au livre traduit


  • Raluca-Nicoleta BALAŢCHI


rephrasing, literary translation, teaching literary translation, published translation


Thanks, among other aspects, to the literary translation contest Mot à monde, organized by the French Institute of Cluj- Napoca, Romania, French-language literature encounters the Romanian language, fragmentarily, through the writing of students, and is subsequently translated for the general public. In our paper, we will try to assess, from a translatological perspective, the difficulties and enrichments inherent to the translating process of one of the recently awarded francophone novels into Romanian (namely L’amas ardent (Focul viu) by Yamen Manai.

Author Biography

Raluca-Nicoleta BALAŢCHI

Enseignante Université «Ştefan cel Mare» de Suceava, Roumanie



How to Cite

BALAŢCHI, R.-N. (2023). Diversité, traduction, reformulation: la traduction de la littérature d’expression française en langue roumaine: De l’exercice didactique au livre traduit. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (10), 513–520. Retrieved from https://ojs.iliauni.edu.ge/index.php/eish/article/view/732



Enseignement des littératures de langue française