Le discours rapporté, un discours de la féminité: une analyse syntaxique de son marquage dans les prix littéraires accordés aux camerounaises


  • Louis-Martin ONGUENE ESSONO


typographic rules, direct speech, quotation marks, italics, syntactic preference


The Cameroonian literacy scenery accredits female voices according to prices given to hers. Females Cameroonians authors, especially Djaïli Amadou Amal, Léonora Miano and Calixthe Beyala are recognized for their ability. The present paper is a study of the setting of direct speech on their novels, as in Les Impatientes, La Saison de l’ombre and Maman a un amant. The problematic concerns theirs particularities when they cite this type of speech for the panel who delivered internationals appreciations. So what singularise syntax of these writers, particularly when they enclose direct speech? The central question of this article is how to represent direct speech on our novels to become a famous author because its change over writers. The first writes quotation marks, the other one uses italics and for the last one, we observe the inverted commas and italics. On a grammatical approach, we examine and compare the novels and the grammars rules. Firstly, we mention typographic rules. Then, we demonstrate the preferences of our authors. Finally, we call for sociopragmatic to interprete these differences. We conclude that Direct Speech becomes a feminine discourse and enunciative polyphony, walking together with polymorphism, is the pretext to hear women voices.

Author Biography


Professeur Catherine NGO BIUMLA PhD, Chercheuse au CREFSCO Université Yaoundé 1, Cameroun



How to Cite

ONGUENE ESSONO, L.-M. (2023). Le discours rapporté, un discours de la féminité: une analyse syntaxique de son marquage dans les prix littéraires accordés aux camerounaises. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (10), 181–200. Retrieved from https://ojs.iliauni.edu.ge/index.php/eish/article/view/706



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