Sania de Ion Druţă şi Cântecul roţilor de Iordan Iovkov: interferenţe psihoculturale moldo-bulgare


  • Emilia TARABURCA Universitatea de Stat din Moldova


The present research focuses on the comparison, on several levels, of some works of Ion Druță’s creation, representative for literary process in the Republic of Moldova, with works created by two reference names of 20th century Bulgarian literature: Yordan Yovkov (firstly) and Elin Pelin, all of them bringing the village universe to the center of their artistic concern. The emphasis is on “reading” in comparison, “translating” for oneself, the stories “The Sleigh” by Druță and “Song of the Wheels” by Yovkov, on discovering and analyzing some similarities and differences related to the text symbolic-philosophical dimension, to the human condition cultural and psychological peculiarities, to the discourse structure, in order to demonstrate that, through concerns and values, through the way of thinking, of relating to the world and self-understanding, the Other, the Bulgarian, in reality, is not far away from us. We are alike not only by the similar historical course, but also by the psychological quintessence, by the aspiration to ideal and by the search for perfection, by the acute feeling of beauty, by the desire of self-expression etc. This study follows the individual manner of writers who, through specific artistic means, reproduces the condition and similar processes of social reality and of Moldova and Bulgaria people way of feeling and thinking.

Author Biography

Emilia TARABURCA, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova

Doctor în filologie, conferențiar universitar Universitatea de Stat din Moldova



How to Cite

TARABURCA, E. (2023). Sania de Ion Druţă şi Cântecul roţilor de Iordan Iovkov: interferenţe psihoculturale moldo-bulgare. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (9), 186–202. Retrieved from


