ედვინ ებოტის მემკვიდრეობა – „რომანსი მრავალ განზომილებაზე“


  • ირაკლი ჯაფარიძე
  • რომანი ყურაშვილი


Abstract: According to Aristotle, God speaks to people with language of mathematics, thus, mathematics is a necessary way to perceive the world. However, the results of school teaching show that study of mathematical alphabet is associated with many difficulties. Learning and teaching of mathematics is particularly important and hard at the beginning and secondary level since it is problematic to explain the difficult mathematical objects and events clearly and adequately -i.e., infinite sets, the primary concepts of geometry, and other key issues. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a universal method.

The nineteenth century writer and theologian Edwin Abbott, who also was a schoolteacher, created mathematical novel for his students which is called Flatland. Abbott was trying to explain the complex mathematical effects of nature with literary language.

In our opinion this method of teaching mathematics can be considered successful. This was confirmed by the animation film released in 2007, which is intended for preschool and primary children. This film was made according to this work.

The aim of our research is to review the issues of the mathematical novel of the Abbott, which are literary paradigms of complex mathematical events.
These are:

1) dimension and its essence, two-dimensional world, plane structure
2) one dimensional world, line structure
3) the perception of the geometric figures

4) thre dimensional world, space structure
5) multidimensional spaces.
The aim of the research is to popularize this type of the non- classical novels. Unfortunately, this book is less known for not only Georgian literary space.
I think, that the study of the novel is one of the best ways for students to understand the alphabet of the divine language fully and deeply.

Author Biographies

ირაკლი ჯაფარიძე


რომანი ყურაშვილი

ბაკალავრი აკაკი წერეთლის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი ქუთაისი, საქართველო



How to Cite

ჯაფარიძე ი., & ყურაშვილი რ. (2020). ედვინ ებოტის მემკვიდრეობა – „რომანსი მრავალ განზომილებაზე“. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (7), 675–688. Retrieved from https://ojs.iliauni.edu.ge/index.php/eish/article/view/520


