კლასიკური ფილოლოგია: დოქტორანტები და სამეცნიერო ბიბლიოთეკა (სიახლეები, ხარვეზები, პრობლემები)
Abstract: Scientific work is impossible without literature and accordingly without the scientific library. The academic stage of selecting the theme of dissertation is followed up by creating relevant bibliography.
The aim of the present paper is to show the problems that the young researchers find related to creating the bibliography, finding or buying printed or e-books. We discuss the empirical problems with the example of the doctoral work of the students of Classical Philology at Akaki Tsereteli State University.
We discuss a number of interesting innovations that have taken place since the period of opening a modern library at the university. As a result, the books placed on the shelves for many years have come out in the light of the day and many unique books have been found. In particular, the Latin-language editions of the 13th-18th centuries, which are intended to be studied, translated and digitized by the direction of Classical Philology at Akaki Tsereteli State University.
We focus on the benefit of change of the research principles and techniques since the introduction of the electronic libraries, accordingly, the interesting innovations that have been introduced in this field at our university.
We discuss the issues of profit of digital literature and the bases which facilitate the process of scientific research and analysis for doctoral students through its availability in the field of Classical Philology.
We also underline the future plans for improving the scientific working process of doctoral students in the Scientific Library of ATSU.