Rendering Emotions at the Stylistic Level from English into Romanian


  • Gabriela SAGANEAN Universitatea de Stat din Moldova


The study focuses on stylistic devices expressing character’s emotions, stirring the reader’s imagination and adding depth to the meaning. Stylistic devices make complex thoughts lucid because they aid the reader to comprehend easily what the writer is trying to say by giving a new dimension to rudimentary thoughts and events as well. Translating the emotional coloring of a text is a very difficult task for a translator. Emotions vary across cultures and as a consequence there are cultural differences in emotional responses. Aside from describing emotions perceived and lived by characters, the translator renders them through the way the characters express them and the words they choose are also a feature of their unique character. The description of their voice, manners and behaviour also adds to the emotional picture. Sometimes, when wrongly chosen, these means can alter the emotional atmosphere of the whole text. The most important thing to keep in mind is the cultural difference the translator encounters during the translation process as well as understanding all the peculiarities, similarities and differences of the two languages in order to choose the appropriate translation strategies and achieve the same meaning as in the source text.

ავტორის ბიოგრაფია

Gabriela SAGANEAN, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova

Doctor, conferenţiar universitar Universitatea de Stat din Moldova




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

SAGANEAN, G. (2023). Rendering Emotions at the Stylistic Level from English into Romanian. Etudes Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (9), 148–160. Retrieved from




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