La littérature d’expression française du Vietnam. De la défense de l’identité nationale à la quête de soi
Vietnamese literature, national identity, defense, self- questAbstract
The French-language literature of Vietnam made its appearance with the teaching of the French language and culture introduced by French colonization. Authors of the early 20th century used their pen as a means of asserting national identity, in reaction against colonial rule. Literary works, rich in genres (short story, novel, poetry, essay, drama) have been published not only in Vietnam but also in France, thus contributing to the enrichment of French-speaking literature. They testified to the will of Vietnamese writers to modernize indigenous literature, to defend the national culture against the influence of the exotic. Some authors even openly expressed nationalism and patriotism in the context of resistance against colonialism and imperialism. A significant change has been observed since the end of the 20th century. Indeed, the French-language literature of Vietnam is based in particular on writers from abroad, in France and Canada in particular. The latter find in their often autobiographical creations a means of expressing uprooting and exile. The novels are therefore presented in the form of life stories in search for oneself, one’s identity and strive for the means of transmission of individual and collective memories. The communication is supposed to present a panorama of the French- language literature of Vietnam through time.