«Faut dire» – un marqueur discursif? Quelques considérations sur le statut et les défis de traduction d’un «introducteur» conversationnel en français familier


  • Raluca-Nicoleta BALATCHI Université Ștefan cel Mare de Suceava


The main objective of our paper is to analyse the linguistic status and the translation strategies of the French phrase «faut dire», frequently used to open conversations in familiar French. Discourse markers, as they are called, are at the core of the research in pragmatics and conversation analysis nowadays (Rouanne and Anscombre, Dostie, Fedriani). A better understanding of their status and dynamics can be given if the pragmatical approach is doubled by Translations Studies analyses: more precisely, we will look and assess at what point phrases as “faut dire” are affected by the translational process from French into Romanian and English as target languages, having as a corpus of study the French novel Raymond Queneau’s well-known and original Zazie dans le métro, and its Romanian version. Being close to subjective markers, discourse markers are often submitted to indirect translation strategies and even to omission, with important implications on the conversational dynamics.

Author Biography

Raluca-Nicoleta BALATCHI, Université Ștefan cel Mare de Suceava

Enseignante Université Ștefan cel Mare de Suceava



How to Cite

BALATCHI, R.-N. (2023). «Faut dire» – un marqueur discursif? Quelques considérations sur le statut et les défis de traduction d’un «introducteur» conversationnel en français familier. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (9), 106–116. Retrieved from https://ojs.iliauni.edu.ge/index.php/eish/article/view/687


