Passages des noms des prophètes bibliques vers ou à partir de la littérature arabo-musulmane: stratégies des traductions, non traductions
Untranslatable, Koranization, Islamization, Arabization, nominalizationAbstract
The basic rule for translation which is not to translate proper names (Ryoko Sekiguchi) was not followed with regard to the names of the biblical prophets appearing in the Quranic text. They find themselves inserted there after having undergone a translation valuing the Arabic language and Islam. As a result, the translators of the Koranic text into French found themselves faced with a specific complexity: that of Arabized and Islamized proper names that they generally chose not to translate. The article observes these passages of the name changes of the biblical prophets through the Arab-Muslim literatures (Koranic text, interpretations, hadith) and the issues then linked to the choice of translation or not translation of the texts in Arabic into French