Tentation «ethno-graphique» et vertige du territoire dans La Légende de Ngniamoto d’Eric Joël Bekale
ethno-graphic, cultural ethos, territory, deterritorialization, national literatureAbstract
This article to question aims to question a practice or writing observed among some Gabonese authors such as Maurice Okoumba-Nkoghe (Olende, Nzèbi), Nza-Mateki (Contes autour du feu, Echos du chemin) and Eric Joel Bekale (Le voleur de rêves, Le mystère de Nguema) who draw the essence of their inspiration from Gabonese cultural heritage. This process, which reminds us of how national literaures emerged in former colonies and in search of authenticity, offers texts that bear an «ethno-graphic» character. Yet, with a belated birth in the Gabonese novel, this trend is not promoting an ethno-cultural vision. On the contrary, it makes the novel the scene of deterritorialization, if not the space where the spin/vertigo of national literature is negotiated and actualized.