L’usage des manuels imprimés de FLE à l’ère du numérique
Abstract: In «digital» and digitized society, it seems logical that the use of (News) Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is considered a necessity. These new tools have already taken their place in the teaching of foreign languages and have completely changed this field.
The Georgian Ministry of National Education has implemented several reforms to intensify the use of ICTs in educational establishments of all levels for greater efficiency and adaptation of their teaching to constant progress and offers various trainings for teachers in order to integrate it in their daily practice. Therefore, would not there be a risk that the ICTs, thanks to the many facilities and advantages that it presents, will swollow the textbooks and replace it? There are many studies on the use of digital teaching of all subjects, but few are researching the balanced use of the textbook and digital resources in the activity of the teacher. Our work is situated in this line, which is currently underdeveloped and falls within the framework of the questions that concern the use of textbooks and ICTs in the teaching of French as a Foreign Language in order to follow the evolution of the educational system and mostly the role, place and uses of these printed textbooks in the digital age.