Deraierea frazeologică intenţionată a expresiilor ce conţin elemente arhaice în structură


  • Liliana TRINCA


Abstract: Although phraseological units are considered to be “prefabricated by speech” (Coşeriu) and belong to the layer of language which is the opposite of creativity and which is extracted by the speaker from his/her mental lexicon, they still remain open to change and do not exclude attempts of “altering” the integrity of their component elements. If, in most cases, phraseological units represent an integral and canonical artistic form, their stylistic value is dimmed in the process of using them. Their revitalization involves restructuring their expression, transfiguring and renovating them, in order to be perceived as expressive units. Many phraseological units maintain their expressive value due to some phonetic factors such as rhyme, assonance, alliteration etc. The phenomenon of deconstructing phraseological units is extremely widespread today, especially in the belles-lettres and publicistic styles, and also in everyday speech. The speaker intends to get to the interlocutor’s ability to decode the message, adopting an attitude of empathy. Starting from the idea that speech is a good ground to verify the universality of mental forms that govern the discourse deconstruction, we intend to address the issue of phraseological units containing archaic elements from the perspective of the conditions of their “survival” in language. The objective of our research is to investigate the process of derailing phraseological units through the speaker’s conscious intervention on his/her own speech. The speaker’s involvement in the repeated discourse reflects his/her capacity of creativity, which refers to the phatic function. Or, the intervention in the structure of secular canonical formulas of community experience, summarizing the “wisdom of the people”, aims at reaching a common ground of communication through the effect of word seduction (Slama-Cazacu). 




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

TRINCA, L. (2017). Deraierea frazeologică intenţionată a expresiilor ce conţin elemente arhaice în structură. Etudes Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (4). Retrieved from


