Le narratif féminin contemporain de langue française au Maroc: un espace privilégié pour penser les différentes formes de masculinité


  • Fatima Ezzahra ABOUABDILLAH


contemporary Moroccan novel, feminine narrative, masculinitie, diversity


The contemporary female novel in morocco is a privileged field of reflection on masculinity in its diversity. In this sense, some contemporary moroccan writers such as Souad Bahéchar and Bahaa Trabelsi are interested in the representation of the different forms of masculinity, their process of subjectivation and the different ways of being a man in the presence of an hegemonic model of masculinity that influences other forms of masculin expression. Although the conditions and socioeconomic status of the male characters in these life stories are different, almost all figures of masculinity are represented from their interactions with the hegemony of traditions. And this is not fortuitous as we will discover through our article which aims to shed light on the contribution of contemporary female narratives in their fight against masculine domination.

Author Biography


Doctorante Laboratoire: Genre, Éducation, Littérature et Médias Université Hassan II de Casablanca, Maroc



How to Cite

ABOUABDILLAH, F. E. (2023). Le narratif féminin contemporain de langue française au Maroc: un espace privilégié pour penser les différentes formes de masculinité. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (10), 338–352. Retrieved from https://ojs.iliauni.edu.ge/index.php/eish/article/view/716



Littératures de langue française Éloge à la diversité. Dire la différence