De l’analyse morphosémantique des anthroponymes bamilékés intégrés dans l’œuvre littéraire de Gilbert Doho


  • Simplice Aimé KENGNI


anthroponyms, morphology, semantics, meaning, form, referent


This study focuses on anthroponymy as a code of expression. Using literary writing, in this case that of the Cameroonian playwright and novelist Gilbert Doho, it examines the contribution of the configuration of the anthroponym in the realization and construction of the “signifier” in context. Thus, in the light of referential semantics, this study proceeds to the morphosemantic decoding of anthroponyms integrated into Francophone literary discourse, in order to show how they provide information on the type of relationship that binds the being to its environment. This calls into question the hypothesis of an asemantic value of the proper name.

Author Biography

Simplice Aimé KENGNI

This study focuses on anthroponymy as a code of expression. Using literary writing, in this case that of the Cameroonian playwright and novelist Gilbert Doho, it examines the contribution of the configuration of the anthroponym in the realization and construction of the “signifier” in context. Thus, in the light of referential semantics, this study proceeds to the morphosemantic decoding of anthroponyms integrated into Francophone literary discourse, in order to show how they provide information on the type of relationship that binds the being to its environment. This calls into question the hypothesis of an asemantic value of the proper name.



How to Cite

KENGNI, S. A. (2023). De l’analyse morphosémantique des anthroponymes bamilékés intégrés dans l’œuvre littéraire de Gilbert Doho. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (10), 301–315. Retrieved from



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