Contribution de l’écrivain congolais à une herméneutique de la rationalité du vivre-ensemble aujourd’hui
violence, stranger, freedom, justice, equityAbstract
In a context like that of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the crisis of living together has accompanied the Congolese man for a long time. The drawing of the borders brought together hundreds of ethnic groups – sometimes antagonistic. The initiated construction of the country as a a nation, was confronted with a new difficulty: the violent arrival of the foreigner, the white man. Then followed disasters caused by the negligence of the political elite, then the wars and misery that tear and mutilate the DRC in a discontinuous way. The modest ambition of this contribution is to show, thanks to the textual indices taken from extracts of texts, that the semantic content of many works carries keys inviting us to live together. The concept of «idiorrhythmia» proposed by Roland Barthes, which must be understood as relating to sociability involving the relationship to others, will help us to identify these clues. We therefore formulate the hypothesis that words, segments or entire works are constructed in such a way as to convey useful content in the fight to live together, the faith of writers, grounded in their cultural tradition.