La dialectique ipséité-altréité dans la rhétorique, la philosophie et l’esthétique d’Édouard Glissant


  • Mohamed Lamine RHIMI


aesthetic, difference, Edouard Glissant, ipseity-otherness dialectic, opacity, philosophy, rhetoric


Glissant used a phenomenological approach to promote a new alliance between philosophy and eloquence. This alliance puts philosophy at the service of rhetoric and poetics of novelistic fiction. In this context, we have to reflect on the ipseity-otherness dialectic as conceived in Glissant’s rhetoric, thought and aesthetics. In fact, it is a question of dialectic which attacks the universal standardization and its reductive transparency. So, this dialectic proclaims difference and opacity values in order to move away from any ideological or political bipolarization. This how the writer develops a whole-earth, placed under the label of cultural equinox, poetics of relationship, and intermixing between different human imaginations.

Author Biography

Mohamed Lamine RHIMI

Professeur Université de Tunis, Tunisie Rattaché à la Faculté des Langues et de Traduction Université Islamique Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saoud Royaume d’Arabie Saoudite



How to Cite

RHIMI, M. L. (2023). La dialectique ipséité-altréité dans la rhétorique, la philosophie et l’esthétique d’Édouard Glissant. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (10), 71–92. Retrieved from



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