L’identité plurielle et fractale de la francophonie littéraire, à petit «f» et à grand «F»


  • Carolina DODU-SAVCA


francophone, Francophonie, Francophone literature(s), identity, plural identity, fractal identity


The Francophonie in the Republic of Moldova as elsewhere is that of a small «f» and of a capital «F», where the first would be that of institutionalized, academic and/or personalized discourse and the second would be that of artistic works. Pragmatically, the major difference between the two would be that if one is perishable, the other is perennial, as it is perpetuated in the intangible national or universal heritage. In this article we want to contextualize a distinction between the two types of Francophonie and the plural and fractal identities that result from it.

What would be the first mission of this literary Francophonie? The capital «F» of the literary Francophonie desacralizes the French literary text by converting the identity questions into identifiable understanding, identity quest into self-identification, the declaration of equality and freedom into self-affirmation of particularities. This vast field of the capital «F» brings the French-language literary text closer to a local experience that is globalized and accentuates a loyal content towards a discovery of an intimate voice that becomes vibrant and discernible. The other two missions encompass two great merits of Francophone literature: wide dissemination and integration. From a dissemination viewpoint, francophone literature shapes a congruent space of a language-culture belonging to a plural, polyphonic identity. From an integration viewpoint, this space is frequented by those who linguistically share a unique code that they are enriching with the imprints of their biographical, socioeconomic, geohistorical singularity. Ultimately, any Francophone can exercise transferable skills, linguistically and culturally, especially in relation to the experiences of reading, learning, and living of cultural, personal, and socio-professional identities. Although fractal, due to its heterogeneous nature, the identity of the literary and non-literary Francophonie, with small «f» and capital «F», is composite in the framework of life and prolific in literary creation.

Author Biography


Maître de conférences Université libre internationale de Moldavie (ULIM) Chişinău, République de Moldova



How to Cite

DODU-SAVCA, C. (2023). L’identité plurielle et fractale de la francophonie littéraire, à petit «f» et à grand «F». Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (10), 54–70. Retrieved from https://ojs.iliauni.edu.ge/index.php/eish/article/view/698



Littératures de langue française Éloge à la diversité. Dire la différence