Du colinguisme à l’emploi des termes multilingues. Une nouvelle perspective sur la dynamique des langues


  • Sanda Maria ARDELEANU Université «Stefan cel Mare» de Suceava


Languages grow and continuously evolve as new units, including terms, enter the communicative circuit, therefore bringing up to date the communicative means of the speakers from different societies. Nevertheless, consideration should be given to the effects of globalisation, which at the present time, are leaving their mark on all areas of human activity, and terminology is no exception. In this paper, we shall try to reassess the results of the functioning of these phenomena with an outlook towards a series of terms that underwent an analysis from a multilingual approach.

Author Biography

Sanda Maria ARDELEANU, Université «Stefan cel Mare» de Suceava

Professeure Université «Stefan cel Mare» de Suceava



How to Cite

ARDELEANU, S. M. (2023). Du colinguisme à l’emploi des termes multilingues. Une nouvelle perspective sur la dynamique des langues. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (9), 80–86. Retrieved from https://ojs.iliauni.edu.ge/index.php/eish/article/view/684


