L’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur et la participation des étudiants à des programmes d’échange – une des conditions de l’acquisition d’une compétence interculturelle




Abstract: The internationalization of higher education (HEI) is a relatively recent phenomenon but a concept that is both vast and varied. The overall objective of this study is to examine internationalization strategies in higher education with a particular focus on Armenia. Over the last 30 years, European research and education programmes, in particular the ERASMUS programme, have been the driving force behind a broader and more strategic approach to internationalisation in higher education in Armenia. Almost all Armenian universities attach great importance to internationalization of the higher education. They are always looking for new approaches to harmonize global internationalization strategies in higher education, science and innovation. But still, there are problems.

Internationalization is guided by a combination of political, economic, socio-cultural and academic motivations.
Despite the growing importance of internationalization, its impact will be lower if the process is not adequately funded. The implementation of a whole series of internationalization activities and the realization of the various anticipated benefits require both human and financial resources.

One semester of study abroad helps your ability to adapt and allows you to acquire or perfect a second or third language. This experience certainly promotes self-knowledge and the development of critical thinking.

International experience leads to become a more responsible and engaged citizen of the world by gaining a better understanding of global issues. It allows to develop a greater sensitivity to cultural differences and consequently, to improve future intercultural communications.

Author Biography


Étudiante en Master Université d’État d’Erevan, Arménie



How to Cite

GRIGORYAN, N. (2020). L’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur et la participation des étudiants à des programmes d’échange – une des conditions de l’acquisition d’une compétence interculturelle. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (7), 647–654. Retrieved from https://ojs.iliauni.edu.ge/index.php/eish/article/view/517


