La réforme de l’enseignement, les réussites et les échecs




Abstract: Teaching is a practice implemented by a teacher to provide skills to a student or other public within the framework of an educational institution. Throughout history, societies have implemented various means to ensure the education of their members and to promote the passage of a number of cultural values between generations.

Over time, the educational system has undergone several reforms, among which we have successes, for example, teaching has become compulsory, and several methods have been developed to perfect the educational system. At present the education system is divided into several levels: primary (maternal and elementary), secondary, vocational, apprenticeship and higher. Even so, there are several shortcomings in the current system of teaching which concern rather the teaching methods that are confronted from school to university. More efficient and modern learning methods need to be developed, taking into account that teaching must meet the individual needs of students. In the 21st century it is essential to develop a more modern method of teaching that is in keeping with the challenges of our time. This study is based on the French education system exemple, analysing the educational methods applied in France. We also aim to show current problems in the field of education as well the ways which can resolve them.

Author Biography


Étudiante en Master Université d’État d’Erevan, Arménie



How to Cite

KHACHATRYAN, A. (2020). La réforme de l’enseignement, les réussites et les échecs. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (7), 638–646. Retrieved from


