Reprezentarea spațiului de vizitat prin spațialitatea textului: mănăstirile cu fresce exterioare din Bucovina în ghidurile turistice franceze


  • Ioana Daniela BALAUTA
  • École Doctorale


Abstract: The subject of our study is the discourse of the current French travel guides about Romania and, more specifically, the explanatory descriptions of the monasteries which have exterior

frescoes in northern Romania. Our approach is comparative and seeks to highlight the importance of the existence of a text plan to organize the information in the description, so that the logic of exposure also takes into account the pedagogy of discovering on the spot these tourist objectives. In our opinion, the elements of the editorial paratext and the spatiality of the text come to support the focus of the reader—traveler’s eye that will look for the descriptive detail of the monument that he sees. These textual strategies, which are based on typographical and spatial marking, allow the reader— traveler to quickly find information in the tourist text when his eyes leave the monument to return to the guide.

Author Biographies

Ioana Daniela BALAUTA

Doctorandă în cotutelă Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” Suceava

École Doctorale

SLPCE Université de Poitiers, France



How to Cite

BALAUTA, I. D., & Doctorale, École. (2020). Reprezentarea spațiului de vizitat prin spațialitatea textului: mănăstirile cu fresce exterioare din Bucovina în ghidurile turistice franceze. Études Interdisciplinaires En Sciences Humaines, (7), 183–200. Retrieved from


