About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The journal Identity Studies in the Caucasus and the Black Sea Region (formerly Identity Studies) is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal, which was founded in 2009 with the support of a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation. Its aim is to advance interdisciplinary knowledge about the formation and dissolution of political, cultural and societal identities in the contemporary world, particularly in the Caucasus and the Black Sea region. Major disciplines represented in the journal are sociology, political science, cultural studies, philosophy, anthropology and psychology.
The journal is published by the Institute for Social and Cultural Studies, at Ilia State University, in Georgia. The journal primarily publishes research/empirical papers, review papers, case studies, theoretical articles and book reviews, both in print and online.
Peer Review Process
Every article submitted to the journal is prescreened by a member of the editorial board and if found eligible for publication is further evaluated by two anonymous reviewers.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Submission of a manuscript to another professional journal while it is under review by the Identity Studies is regarded by the journal as unethical. Significant findings or contributions that have already appeared (or will appear) elsewhere must be clearly identified. All persons who publish in the Identity Studies are required to abide by the Ilia State University guidelines and ethics codes regarding plagiarism and other ethical issues.
Authors and contributors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright owners for the use of lengthy quoted material as well as for all tables, figures, and illustrations. Keep in mind that even when reusing your own previously published work, permission may be needed from the publisher (who is usually the copyright holder). Identity Studies requires compliance with local acts regulating copyright laws for each country where the materials have been previously published.
When permission is required, refer to the publisher’s website if possible for instructions on obtaining permission.
- As a general guideline, permission should be requested for quoted materials of 500 words or more from books and 250 words or more from journal articles, short stories, or essays, not to exceed 10% of the total article. Please note that these are total word amounts, whether or not these are split up as distinct quotations throughout your work.
- For interviews, interview releases may be necessary. If it is a previously published interview, refer to the guidelines for journal articles.
- For unpublished letters, the writer is the copyright holder and the use will require permission.
- For published letters, anything over 10% of the total content will require permission.
- For illustrations and photos, every piece will require permission to use. Tables also require permission if they are reproduced as originally created.
- For photos, if there are recognizable faces, you will need a release from the subject.
Appropriate acknowledgment must accompany the use of all quoted materials, tables, and figures. Often the copyright holder will specify on the permission form the wording they wish you to use in this acknowledgement.
Authors’ Right and Obligations
The authors who publish in Identity Studies retain the right to use published materials in a wade range of applications including, teaching and other educational purposes, (trainings, e-courses, etc.) and scholarly sharing. Copies can be distributed at conferences and other scholarly activities. Articles and materials used within can be used for dissertations and other documents satisfying educational requirements. Pre-print versions of articles may be published electronically. Authors are free to store published papers in private archives or university repositories and databases. When publishing papers in other formats the authors are obliged to reference the original publication details of Identity Studies.
The Institute for Social and Cultural Studies, Ilia State University.
Sources of Support
The first two issues of the Journal were published with the support of the grant from Swiss National Science Foundation. In 2011, the Institute for Social and Cultural Studies, (Formely the Institute for Modernity Studies) Ilia State University, took over the financial side as well.
Journal History
The journal Identity Studies is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal, which was founded in 2009 with the support of a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation. Its aim is to advance interdisciplinary knowledge about the formation and dissolution of political, cultural and societal identities in the contemporary world, particularly in the Caucasus and the Black Sea region. Major disciplines represented in the journal are sociology, political science, cultural studies, philosophy, anthropology and psychology. The journal is published by the Institute for Social and Cultural Studies, at Ilia State University, in Georgia. The journal primarily publishes research/empirical papers, review papers, case studies, theoretical articles and book reviews, both in print and online