A WOMAN OF WORTH? Issues Involved in empowering Women to Senior Managerial Positions in managing educational systems
Abstract: The present study is a literature review within a Doctoral research thesis. As part of the efforts being made in Israel to reduce gender disparities and increase the number of women in managerial positions, it is important to examine the correlation between the existence of marketing efforts to promote women in managerial position and the number of women employed in management positions in Israel’s Ministry of Education.
Education is considered a female profession, and therefore the number of women directors in the Ministry of Education is greater than their share in the labour market. Understanding the factors that allow a woman to get employed as a director in the Ministry of Education can lead to the study of a marketing strategy that can benefit women who wish to advance to management positions in various sectors.
The literature review will present a fusion of possible connections from different content worlds: Interdisciplinary education, marketing strategy, gender, behavioural economics, creative economy, creative class, labour market, management.