საქართველოს ძველ ბოლშევიკთა საზოგადოების წმენდა 1936-1938 წლებში. მსხვერპლთა კლასტერის ანალიზი
Cleansing of the “old guard“ of the Bolshevik party during the Great Soviet purge, somehow still holds its place in the collective memory of Georgian society. But, it never was a subject of specific research to show the local – Georgian dimension. The Soviet Georgian branch of All- union “Society of old Bolsheviks ‘’was established in 1929 and archive data and biographical sources are still stored in a former IMEL archive in Tbilisi. This data gives the possibility to reconstruct the process of destroying the cluster of old Bolsheviks and leads us to verify those stereotypical prejudges which are presented in the collective memory of Georgian society. Current article presents analyses of the social background, ethnic structures, education specter, party experience etc. of the members of Georgian SSR “Old bolsheviks society”. This statistical and biographical analyses of sources also show us the understanding of the social bases and profile of the Bolshevik party in Georgian until 1917 and after the Soviet occupation in 1921. Same time, analyses of the dynamics of the terror against them in 1937-1938 and the specter of accusations help us to understand – which place was designed by NKVD for the old Bolsheviks of Georgia in Dramaturgy of the Great Purge of 1937.